Another Day, Another Lie

It seems that we would learn that you get caught when you tell a lie. Even one lie. A small misguidance, a 'clever' cover up, and on you go, racing through your day.
I got a phone call today that made me hopping mad, as I knew the information conveyed was a lie.
Why even bother?

The news as of late is smeared with peoples names, countries names, and stories all involving lies.
The lies that are told about the inequity of humankind, about the supremacy and right to life of any one group, about the claims of ownership on a chunk of land or a person, all lead to the sick and diseased societies we see today.

Magazines insinuate that for women to be beautiful they must be thin with huge breasts and good looking men will all be practically hairless and completely muscled. Movies tell us that love is found in a look, touch and a roll into bed. So much music today insists that hate and revenge are the best way to get back at someone who hurt your feelings.

We walk by each other everyday and don't acknowledge the others existence. Online dating services offer a myriad of options all claiming to want to get to know you personally. We tell ourselves this world will get better all by itself.

Stop the insanity.
Tell the truth.

"And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." - John 8:32

Humanoids pets

Was at a local cafe to pick up a hot drink, the variety of which shall remain nameless, but those who know me well know what it was...

Anyhow I was chatting to the owner of the cafe and we got to talking about animals. The cafe is named The Roost and all around the place are little roosters and hens, made from all manner of material, my favorite being a metal rooster who looks like he could wear cowboy boots and live next door to my parents.

Being a fan of animals, the owner was commenting about how as a child she had chickens and one day her parents brought home a rooster. She had the habit of taking the chickens for walks but once Mr. Rooster moved into town, he got very jealous and would try to attack her. One day as she was bent down to pick up a chicken he jumped on her head and began to try to pull her brain out through the back of her skull.

That night the family enjoyed a love chicken pot roast.

I asked her if she had any pets now, to which came the quick reply...

"Only two, my husband and my cat."

Mad Hat Hair

After 7 glorious days of hiking, sleeping, eating - living really- in one set off clothes and one hat, coming home to a hot shower and clean clothes was exhilarating. When I unloaded the car and got to a point where I could think of showering, I went to my room and yanked off my now rank hat.

The shock of the embroiled nest of hair piled up like greasy string on my head made me groan. How was I ever going to get that clean? Not only was it oil soaked and knotted, but it smelled awful.I would say that I am pretty fastidious about being clean. If I had the choice I would shower twice daily and spend 45 minutes becoming a living prune each time. There is nothing like a good shower. After a long day of hard work, it helps un-kink the muscles. After a good cry, it helps calm the red, welted eyes and sooth the nerves. Before the day really kicks into gear it gives you time and space to clear your head and put your game face on. Showers are a miracle center.

Needless to say, the clean water supply of Oamaru shrank incredibly once I got home.

But the pile of yuck mess on my head was fixable. A good dousing of shampoo and conditioner, a very thorough combing and my head resembled, well, my head.

My hair isn't the only part of me that needs fixing. I have a heaping inner mass of a soul that becomes greasy and knotted and reeks incredibly. I choose to do things and say things that leave a sticky residue of nasty inside and out. I spend time far away from anything good, and try to hide all the ick under a lovely smile and fake perky attitude - the woolly hat for the soul.

But the pile of yuck mess that is my soul is fixable! A good dousing of Jesus and His cleansing power, a thorough combing through the details of my choices and my soul begins to resemble anything but the yucky mess it so recently was. My soul begins to look more and more like Jesus when I let Him clean it up and put it in order.

Have you taken the time to be showered by Jesus? His shower truly is a miracle center.