Mom used to make a pot of globby oatmeal for breakfast. Especially during the cool months. 

It sat in the pot with a big spoon in it and Mom would leave toppings in heaping bowls on the counter.

As a kid the only way to ingest the oatmeal, was to smother it in brown sugar, coconut, pecans and, if the store provided, some cut fruit. 

Each spoonful was wrenched out the bowl and carefully a bit of sugar was added, a nut, until the perfect bite was arranged. 

Then the licking of the palette commenced. Like a dog with peanut butter, we would chew and lick and attempt the unhinged jaw to eat. 

Oatmeal was never a favorite. 

But time has changed me some I guess. 

As fall arrives, the trees pull on their red and gold coats, the street is slick with autumnal mist and the last of the tomatoes hang forlornly on the vine, I crave warm food for breakfast. 

Today, I ate oatmeal for breakfast.

All Giddy

2014. Sochi. Olympics. 

I love the Olympics. 
Athletes that we never hear of or see at any other time pop out of the gyms and pools and off of the mountains where they have been lurking for four years and astound us with their feats. 

And I sit and eat licorice and ice cream and admire their prowess. 

And I am thankful that my mistakes are not seen on such a global scale. 

Sure, my mistakes are seen, but not on the 10 o'clock news. I can make amends and apologize and even hide when I mess up. 

Not so for these athletes. 

I am glad that there is one Person I need never hide from. 

God knows all my mess and loves me. In fact, there is nothing I have done, or will do that will change His love for me. 

No news coverage about me will shock Him.
No fall. 
No collapse.
No emotional outburst. 
No failure. 
Nothing can change how God feels about me. 

Romans 8:38 & 39 says it all for me. And it makes me as giddy as a Nordic skier at the starting line.

"And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love." (NLT)

(While I am American, I root for NZ often. Proud of my 'second' home team!)