The Countdown

Only one more week of classes and then we hit the home stretch of finals and the end of this semester. I am so eager to have a break from classes and head to Peru to build a church!

Only one week until my presentation for Pentatuech. Only one day until my next Hebrew quiz. Just 2 hours until I go Christmas decoration shopping with my roomie. I can't wait to decorate the house!

It's as though life it a big countdown. Tick Tick Tick.

I was recently reminded that we are on this earth with one BIG final countdown that is heading our way really quickly. I live here, not to take tests or to accomplish X Y and Z, but to share the news that the countdown has started and 'zero' is rapidly approaching.

God is coming back for you! He's coming back for me! I get to go home! I get to decorate heavens halls with laughter and hold onto Jesus's nail-scared hand. I get to go HOME!

Paul Writing His Epistles
Valentin de Boulogne or Nicolas Tournier

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